Thursday, April 10, 2008

Do you know Sam Santos of Fitness First Eastwood?

If you know Sam Santos of Fitness First Eastwood, THE FIRST ONE to Send me a photo of him will get 1000.00 pesos cash/load. Just the photo. We have a contest here going on. I will send the money thru globe/smart/meet up!

If ever Elaine Uy (the one holding the contest) got it first, it won't count already. She should accept the picture from me, and consider it as the first (if it really is the first) then, its the time you will receive your reward.

take a photo of him, ask photos from his friends, search the net (maybe he has a friendster/multiply/myspace/facebook account even though "taga-bukid" siya!)



But! There really is a contest going on!!!


for more details about the Hunt for Sam Santos Contest.

This is the new "Ann of Cabalen"

Sam of Fitness First!