Friday, May 16, 2008

What are you thankful for?

In the past weeks, we had just witnessed some of the greatest disasters of the new millennium. Myanmar cyclone death toll estimated at the 130,000 mark. China earthquake death toll on the other hand, is expected to reach 50,000. (Images below from MSNBC)

This is what the world knows. What most of us do not know is, there are tons of other disasters. Here are a few more.

1. Gaza Rocket Attack - Israel
2. Pipeline Blaze - Nigeria
3. Floods in Central Philippines

In spite all these, we should be thankful because,

- we can still breath and proof is, you can still read my blog.
- We can feel the heat of the sunlight, be drenched in those unexpected rains and yet, sleep soundly at night.
- Watch animals roam, see kids play, cars move and planes fly.
- That all these are made possible by God even though we are destroying the earth. the one he created.

What are you thankful for?