Saturday, June 7, 2008

Life Lessons: Nothing is impossible

Several years ago at a school, I met this professor who told me an inspiring story. He said that there was this one kid who really wanted to be a math professor. One day, a position opened for the position of the math professor’s assistant. He thought that this is a chance of a lifetime and he must get it. To get it, he must pass the quiz and get the highest grade in the entire class.

He studied hard day and night and at the day of the test, he came in late because he slept late the night before. He answered math problems and finished it until he saw two items in the blackboard. Figuring that this would be a bonus question, he answered one of it but gave up at the other. Thinking he failed, he has to push himself to class the next day because he was afraid to hear that another student got the assistant position.

When it was time to announce the highest, the professor called his name and said, “This man who came in late never got the chance to hear what I said before the test. The two questions in the blackboard are not bonus questions but, those two are unsolvable math questions. He got the first one right!”

You know why he got it? Because he was never told it was impossible and he did it anyway. He was just like the bumble bee. It’s wings are too small for their bodies and scientist thinks that it is impossible for them to fly. But the bumble bee flies anyway.