Saturday, July 26, 2008

3 weirdest fears / phobias

The word phobia came from the Greek word “phobos” which means fear and is defined as persistent fear of certain situations, activities, things or persons. It can also be termed as anxiety disorders. It is often caused by either external events, such as bad experiences (Like when a someone gets punished because of an act the person did) or internal predispositions (classic conditioning of the brain). The list below shows a few of the weirdest phobias a person can actually have:
1. Eisoptrophobia
Eisophtrophobia in layman’s terms is the fear of one’s own reflection. It would be very difficult to live with this kind of phobia. Simply seeing your reflection in the car or on anything other than mirrors would make you feel uncomfortable. Just imagine how hard it would be if you had this kind of phobia.
2. Chiclephobia
No, this is not the fear of hot chicks! In layman’s terms, chiclephobia is the fear of chewing gum. A person with this kind of phobia thinks that gum is something really gross which is why seeing a person chewing gum with make him feel uncomfortable. It would be very hard to have this kind of phobia because nowadays, if one tries to just take a walk outside, there would be tons of people chewing gum! People with Chiclephobia would love to live in Singpore!
3. Botanophobia
Botanophobia in layman’s terms is the fear of plants. It would be very hard to have this kind of phobia because plants are such common things that when you take a walk, drive around, or even inside houses in buildings, there is a very high probability that you would see a plant!

...well, I would like to add another phobia and this is definitely something men do not want to have. Gynephobia or Gynophobia is the Fear of women and Caligynephobia is the Fear of beautiful women. You wouldn't want to have that if these hot ladies would suddenly approach you!

> Street Dancing Prank