Monday, February 2, 2009

Who To Vote for this coming 2010 elections?

Even, I, Myself do not know now whom to vote. In this sick times where you hear sad but true facts about how the Philippine government is running, you just want to lose hope and go with the flow.

I do not still know if Obama can deliver the "change" he is talking about but, we also need "change"!

For starters, change should start from ourselves. You should know whom to vote!

I am inviting you to this bloggers event tomorrow --

When: Feb 3, 2009
Time: 11am
Where: Manila Hotel, Centennial A

Be part of the history as we search for "The One"! - Coalition for the deserving.

Anyone who blogs can join -- even if you only blog using Multiply, your multiply account can do!


Please email your Name, Email address and Mobile number

See you there!


ohmski said...

see u! dresscode: JS PROM! lol