Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Should Classes be moved to September?

I was reading an article earlier this week in Philippine Star written by Alejandro R. Roces and I think we both have the same thoughts floating inside our minds.

There are way too many factors that distract the student's momentum in learning when classes open in June. One of which is because, June, July and August is Philippines' typhoon season.

According to the said article,

Aside from Brunei, we are the only country in Asia which opens classes in June, the month of monsoon rains here, but in Brunei, June is dry season. Indonesia starts in mid-July; Malaysia and Singapore in January and China, in February or March, depending on the moving date of New Year in the Chinese calendar; South Korea opens in March and Thailand in May while Hongkong starts classes in September. As mentioned, both Japan and India open classes in April.

Some might say that it might be too hot to study in April or May. At least classes won't be suspended. I haven't heard of classes getting suspended because of hot weather here in the Philippines.

Installing air conditioners might not be the solution for everyone but, at least the kids won't get sick or stranded somewhere because of the floods. Worst case, they might even suffer injuries or death when crossing the flooded street unknowingly towards an open man-hole. (which is another problem in the Philippines. Flood and open man-holes)
I don't really know why classes in the Philippines normally start in June. Ever since I was born, it was like that already and now that I am already degree holder, I haven't thought of researching on it. I plan to, but not now.

Well, enough of the flood and typhoons. This year was the best year for them to run a trial and transfer classes from June to September! Looking back a month ago, a lot of classes were suspended because of the Ah1n1 virus (a common seasonal flu now). Although overrated, it did cause a lot of panic and alarm a month back.

Classes were suspended for around 1/3 of a month's time. Thank God that it's highly curable, but still, this was a good year to try the September classes.

Final thought from Mr. Alejandro R. Roces,

India, for example, begins the school year in April and schedules its student breaks from the middle of May to end of July for students to escape the debilitating heat of summer. Likewise in Japan, one of the reasons for the trimester season which begins in April, is to have a summer break with a varying duration in mid-July to end of August also to avoid the heat of summer. So here in our country, if the rains and floods in June bring so much interference to students and schools alike, why should we not move the opening of classes to avoid it?

There you go. I am not sure if everyone would agree but, those are just my thoughts :)

To avoid flu's, keep a bottle of alcohol with you and wash your hands from time to time using soap to prevent the virus from spreading.