Friday, October 29, 2010

5 Basic Tips to Decrease your Water Bill
Water is one of the most essential Elements a person needs in order to
survive. Recently, news abut water shortage has been bothering the
entire metro - I guess this is because this year, our country has not
experienced much rains compared to the previous years. Dams are still
in its critical level and our rainy season is almost over. How do we
help conserve water, to be able to survive next year's El Niño?
Repair all pipe leaks
Have your pipes and faucets checked to make sure that there aren't any
leaks as this not only wastes water. It also draining clean water.
Have a system in washing dishes
It would be time saving and water saving if we have a system in
washing dishes. We should also tell our helpers at home about this
system -- apply soap first to all the dirty dishes and then rinse
them after.
Let's not play with water
I must admit that when I was young, I brush my teeth and keep the
water running. It's been the habit for most of us to leave the faucet
open while we brush our teeth. Let's start being conscious by closing
the faucet while we brush - you would be surprised how much water we
will be saving if all of us would start practicing it!

Just want to add. The other night, we have a water interruption problem and we weren't warned. It was only that time that I really appreciated how convenient our lives are when we have waters running out of our faucets. Let's not waste water. -Cheftonio
Minimize Car Wash
I'm not saying not to have your car washed, but I know that most
people wash their Car everyday. It would be of help if you minimize it
to 3-4 times a week. Your car won't complain. Don't worry.
Water plants only when there is no rain
I noticed that even though it rained hard, there are some who still
water their plants. Try putting your plants along the driveway
or wherever they can be showered by the rain. This way,
we do not only conserve water but we also minimize our water bill.

There are a lot of ways to conserve water, when each one of us act
accordingly, I'm sure we will be able to survive future El Niño


I am supporting an advocacy called "Live Positively". This is not an exclusive thing and I want you to also join me in saving our natural resources and helping others, one step at a time, starting from YOU!

How can you help?
1. Let other people in your community be aware of the Live Positively campaign by putting a Twibbon in your Twitter, Facebook or any accounts you have. Check out the Live Positively Twibbon here:

2. In your own little way, maybe you can share your tips on how to help improve your workplace or even in your own homes with sustainability in mind. Check out the video below on how some companies help communities:

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