Monday, March 7, 2011

Basic but VERY Important Fire Prevention Tips - Fire Prevention Month 2011 Parade

March is fire prevention month and to start it off, they usually do a fire truck parade around Metro Manila. Because of the high fuel prices, they cut the number of trucks joining this year. The parade is done to raise public awareness.

Here's a video of the parade last Saturday, March 4, 2011 (Taken using a Nokia N8):

Here are some basic but very important fire prevention tips you might want to know:
> Install smoke-detectors
> Don't over use an extension cord (octopus connection wiring is very dangerous.)
> Wear tight-fitting sleeves, or roll them up when cooking
> Replace or professionally repair any appliances that spark, smell unusual, or overheat.
> Assure microwaves have enough room to breathe, that all the vents are cleared of obstructions.
> Make sure lamps and night-lights are not touching bedspreads, drapes, or other fabrics.
> When buying heaters, look for devices with automatic shutoff features.
> If outlets or switches feel warm, shut off the circuit and have them checked by an electrician.
> Never smoke in bed. Always look under cushions and in trashcans for burning cigarettes before going to bed.
> Mount a fire extinguisher in the kitchen, garage and workshop.
> Cover any outlets that are not in use with plastic safety covers if you have toddlers or young children in your home.

I hope you'll keep those fire prevention tips in mind.

If you want to be a volunteer, check this out:

Also, I'd like to greet my one and only brother, a happy happy birthday! A fire-volunteer / volunteer paramedic!

Happy Birthday Bro! :)
