Saturday, April 16, 2011

Best Way to Sneeze to Minimize Spread of Germs - Myth Busters

It's a relaxing Saturday for me, doing just blogging and will TRY not to go out the whole day. *TRY*

I switched the TV on and saw the show Myth Busters. Their topic was so interesting that I want to share it with you. It's about sneezing and how to minimize the spread of germs.

They tried to sneeze using 3 different ways to cover their mouth.
(L-R) Hands, Elbow and Handkerchief

Jamie and Adam tried to cover their mouth using their hands, arms and handkerchief. To determine the distance of spread, both of them gargled the same amount of colored liquid.

The set used  to test the distance of the spread
The lines are there to determine the distance of the spread. Since they gargled colored liquid, their sneeze will spread the colored spots to the chart. Also, both of them will wear a white suit so they would know where the colored liquid "germs" are going.

Trying out the hand technique to block the sneeze
In the photo, you can see a small fog of sneeze in front of Adam. It looks like the hand technique isn't as effective after all. Below, you can see the spread distance and the number of spots in the white chart.

Hand Block Result - Not effective at all

Next was the elbow block

The Elbow Block
So far, this is better than the hand block because it blocked more germs. Take a look at the data below..

Elbow Block Results
Last test is the hankie block

Hankie Block
You can also see some particles flying out of the handkerchief. It's similar to what happened to the hand block. Just looking at the flying particles, it already suggests that the elbow block is the most effective of them all. Check out the test results..

Over all results
So, it looks like the elbow block won! But wait, before you use the next most "socially acceptable" way to sneeze -- that is the handkerchief block, take a look at this..

While the elbow block can block as many germs, hand block and handkerchief block still looks far better to do in public.

The handkerchief block on the other hand is far worst. Not only were there colored liquid all over Adam's body... also went through the handkerchief! It's now all over your hands! So if this was in real life without colors, you wouldn't even know that germs are there.

What's worst is, since it's your hankie, you'll put it back your pocket then take it out then hold your phone then keep it again then hold the door knob etc etc. You are spreading more germs compared to the hand block and the elbow block. I guess using a Kleenex might be a good alternative for the handkerchief. (If you can take out your Kleenex just in time)

So, you choose the best way you want to block your sneeze. This is just a test done by the Myth Busters and they will not tell you how you should block your sneeze. Of course, there are more variables in real life but at least, we know the basic effects of sneezing.
Here are some sneeze trivias:
* Sneezing’s official name is sternutation
* Sneezes travel at about 100 miles per hour
* A single sneeze can send 100,000 germs into the air
* People can't sneeze when they are asleep
* Plucking your eyebrows may make you sneeze
* We can’t sneeze and keep our eyes open

Hope you learned a thing or two. If you have tips and suggestions, drop them on the comment box below. Thanks!



Anonymous said...

lmao.. it's hilarious, me-o-likey ;-)

Anonymous said...

hilarious, lmao ;-)

Anonymous said...

Because of manners, I think the best is still to o the hankie block... Just remember not to use the hankie again after sneezing!

Santelmo said...

...or I could just sneeze inside my shirt. ^___^ LOLZ

Cheftonio said...

Glad I was able to share with you the info. :)

Cheftonio said...

yep. that's the most acceptable form of blocking when in public, among the list. :)

Cheftonio said...

Yep. As long as the germs won't be absorbed by your tummy... it won't, won't it? :)