Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Save Energy by Using Bottles as Lighting

As a Coca-Cola Live Positively ambassador, I want to share with you an idea I saw when I was browsing the internet and I think, is very ingenious and can save electricity usage and cost. It is only applicable though to some types of houses only.

The technology is very simple. It utilizes bottles and inserted into a purposely made hole in the roof. The bottle contains water and bleach. Inserting the bottle into the hole, it can now refract sunlight into the home beneath it. It's equivalent to 55 to 60 watts of lighting without costing the users additional electricity costs for around 8 hours a day. (As long as there is sunlight)

Watch the video below.

The bleach, prevents algae to form in the water. The bottle installed can last for up to 5 years. The said device can be built and installed in less than an hour. Cool, right? Any other energy saving ideas? Contribute them in the comment section and I'll blog about it.

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Environmental Management Training said...

I have to say that this is a brilliant idea. Making use of bottles for lighting is definitely a good idea in saving energy. Thanks for sharing.