Saturday, September 3, 2011

Demolish the KFC Tower Burger and Win a Singapore F1 Night Race

When I first heard of the Tower Burger, I was surprised because it was only something I imagined before. This huge burger is a challenging challenge to take on! 2 minutes to finish this HUGE burger? Nooo way! That's what I thought at first.

The first time I tried it, I almost succeeded. I had to try it again just to overcome the challenge. I did it again and I succeeded although I wasn't able to swallow the last few bites within the 2-minute deadline, I did my best to demolish the burger within 2 minutes.

You know what? I think you can do better! Try the challenge and you might win yourself that Singapore Night Race everyone is talking about. I admit that it's my dream to watch the F1 Night Race in Singapore and I think a lot of people has the same dream.

Why not make that dream closer to reality? Here's how:
1. Buy a KFC Tower Burger
2. Demolish it within 2 minutes
3. Don't forget to video record it! No cuts!
4. Upload it to YouTube and submit it to the KFC Demolish the Tower Facebook app, together with your name, mailing address, email address, and mobile number. (

Last day of submission is on September 16, 2011.

What are you waiting for? Take the challenge! Demolish 1 now to have a chance at the F1 night race in Singapore!

*Disclaimer: Don't blame me if you get addicted to the Tower Burger. This is my 5th tower burger within 8 days. I am not joking. This is the first time I got addicted to a chicken burger.

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