Tuesday, October 4, 2011

San Miguel Apple and Lemon Flavored Malt Beverages

In my entire life, I've only been drunk once, and that was when I was with my family. I know it's silly but I wanted to know how "being drunk" feels like and nothing beats getting drunk knowing you are safe with your family.

Believe me or not, I never ever wanted to get drunk again after that. How did it feel, you may ask? Not the nicest thing to be curious about. Room was spinning even when your eyes are closed, you feel like throwing up, there's this super strong headache that you can’t explain and you can't think straight! So remember not to drink too much when you are going to drive or planning to go home safe.

Either that or you can just have the San Miguel Alcoholic Malt Beverages. I really wanted to make this review and share with you the first ever beer that I liked. I can say that I'm a light drinker. Very light that I only drink 1 bottle of SanMig light.

A family friend of ours had a party last weekend. He called for some drinks and San Miguel delivered it to his place (I didn't know you could do that). Since it was his birthday, San Miguel gave him a bottle of their new Lemon and Apple flavored beer. I tried the Apple flavor.

Three words to describe it. Best beer ever! Three reasons why. First, the beer has only 3% alcohol content and that made it light for me. Second, the bitter taste is almost inexistent! First time I drank it like drinking an ordinary juice. Although it may seem like a ladies drink, I don't care. The next time I go to parties or gatherings, I'm looking for one and enjoy myself an ice cold flavored beer! Can't believe I'd ever say I love beer in my entire life. Well, this is it. Found the beer that I like.

Check out their Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/San-Miguel-Lemon-Apple/183829558303581

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Bartender Certification said...

I've already tried the San Miguel Apple Flavored beer and I definitely agree with you. This is really good. I was actually shocked when I first saw this beer in a Ministop outlet in Ortigas. I couldn't resist that day that I bought a bottle just to try it's taste.

Max said...

Nasubukan ko na yung lemon, it tastes good. Might as well try the apple flavor, sarap talaga nito.