Saturday, January 26, 2013

Free Internet from Smart via Smart Net* (For Postpaid and Prepaid)

If it's free internet you want, it's free internet that you will get!* Smart is currently offering FREE mobile internet access to ALL prepaid and postpaid subscribers on selected websites and social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. The free service also gives you free mobile access to Yahoo mail, Yahoo OMG and Yahoo search.*

How Smart Net can actually help you to live more:
Yahoo Search
Based on those listed sites, I think I can already live with that. Doing a Yahoo search, you can get the basic information that you need without even going to the site itself. For example, if you are looking for the phone number of a certain restaurant, try this search: "The Sandwich Guy sm megamall phone number".
The screenshot above is using my home Wifi. I'm just showing the outcome of the search.
Yahoo OMG
Having worked on a local search company before, I know how high the demand for entertainment news is. It .Is.Nuts! Some play to relax and others read to unwind. In this case, for people who know more about the stars they adore more than their brothers or sisters, (yes, it happens.) Yahoo OMG is the site for you and you can access it for FREE.
Today's Yahoo OMG Headline: From "Wil Time Bigtime to Wowowillie".
Yahoo Mail
Who doesn't have a Yahoo mail? Honestly, that statement goes more truer before than now but Yahoo, being an early pioneer in the "Free" email industry already established their foundation early on in the Philippines. I don't need research to prove this but Yahoo is one of the most used free e-mail service in the Philippines. With that said, it makes a big difference that Smart is offering FREE access to your Yahoo mail! I'm guessing that this would only load the text part though.

Not the actual Smart Net Yahoo Mail
Facebook and Twitter
Of all the above said FREE services included in Smart Net, Facebook and Twitter is something that don't need much explanation. Do you still need to know why? Really? For social networking addicts, you know how it feels to be disconnected even for a few hours. That was normal a decade ago but now, just like the "disconnected" feeling you get when you leave your mobile phone behind (which is actually normal two decades ago), that is the feeling some people get when they cannot access Facebook or Twitter.

The real importance in gaining access to those sites are not going to the sites per se. It's connecting with friends and relatives. It is reaching out to others that are abroad. It is being with them the instant they need you to be with them and this is the advantage our generation has over the previous generations. Of course, nothing beats gathering with family or friends in person. It's just another way to make things easier so you can live more.

and don't forget FREE chat! Read about Smart Net's FREE chat here.

Are you ready to learn how to access Smart Net for free? Choose your device (You will be redirected to Smart Net's website)

Soon, I will post screenshots on my Smart Net usage. :)

Always on the go? You can be "in the know"! Live more!

For more information, visit:

Smart Net ad:

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