Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pharmaton MVP Unleashed Challenge [Davao, Bohol, CDO, Cebu]

The MVP Unleashed Challenge has started! Anthony Cuerpo, TJ Isla, Chok Martinez, Popo Remigio and Monica Torres went into action at the People's Park in Davao. They were all getting pumped up for this challenge of a lifetime!

From Davao to Bukidnon. This is where the road bike challenge took place. They were all very excited to get their game on! Even if they were very excited, Torres said that he'd rather take things one day at a time because this is a month-long event testing their strength- mental, physical and emotional strength, that is.

5 Pharmaton challengers start their journey to unleash their MVP potential. These 5 individuals will challenge both their body and mind as they traverse 2,907km of the entire country for 30 days.

Third day challenge was a trail bike race and a 30-minute run towards the first pit-stop in CDO before finally having their mandatory rest.

Next destination was Bohol. Highlights of the Bohol leg: 3-hour road bike challenge and nother 3-hour swimming challenge. Not only that, they even went through a kayak race at the Puntod Loop plus a 2-hour run at the Bee Farm Resort. Whoa!

For their 6th day, they'll be experiencing a trail run, kayak slalom and a mental challenge at the Danao caves.

Before going to Cebu, they also have to cap the first week of the challenge in Tubigon, Bohol where they will do another round of road bike and running.

 Pharmaton endorser, Derek Ramsay, gears up with Pharmaton MVP Unleashed Challengers

I can't imagine how those participants will endure those without the proper training and vitamins (promotion aside). According to the Pharmaton news I got,
More challenges await the participants at the on-going Pharmaton MVP Challenge. Designed to test the participants physically and mentally, the “ultimate” adventure race is set to unleash the very best among the challengers, which echoes the significant benefits one gets from Pharmaton and its exclusive Ginseng G11 content.
Watch out for more updates and news here for the Pharmaton MVP Unleashed Challenge!




Toni said...

I'm a Pharmaton drinker. Tried a lot of supplements already and this is the only supplement where I feel the difference!

Cheftonio said...

Funny that the first time I tried Pharmaton was when they were first having the Trip for 10 to Singapore contest! haha!

Now, I'm a regular Pharmaton drinker. I agree with what you said.. there's a difference.